Friday, August 30, 2013

Hola extraño! (Which also means, hey there stranger),

It's been a while since the last time I blogged, I've just been neglecting this page due to pure laziness. (Not that anyone reads this thing..) 

I finally have a bit of time to myself (no, not really) before the big weekend hits. By big weekend I mean tutoring for 6 hrs and a big father's day gathering. The father's day gathering is so necessary right now, I'll have a chance to catch up with my family friends and kind of gravitate away from the study stress for a minute period of time. Oh and speaking of father's day, I went to burwood today after school to look for a gift for my dad. It was a lot harder than I had anticipated...but I am pleased with the end result!

I don't really have much to say about the past few days, other than it being plain boring. Just studying after studying, add a bit of procrastination then studying again. I did watch The Conjuring on Monday with a couple of friends... Biggest mistake I've made in a long time. I still stain the aftermath of that horrible movie.. (As in..I would check for ghosts under my bed and in my closet before I go to bed). I'm horrible with horror (HAH) but I always scrap random bits of courage to watch it and obviously regret it afterwards.

Graduation is in less than 3 weeks. I'm starting to appreciate each day of school I have left with my cohort that the thought of leaving them brings tears to my eyes (literally). I feel like I've taken everything for granted, my friends, teachers and the school itself so I'm really feeling reluctant to leave. I guess this is the only downside to having a small grade, that we've formed such a close network of friends, where each individual's character and personality is appreciated and to be without them, would deteriorate big part of our lives. And here I go again, putting an antic disposition on life.

I guess that's the end of my ramble....I hope you don't feel too peeved about having spent a couple of minutes on this pointless blog!

P.S: Modern Family is so good!!

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