Sunday, September 22, 2013

Post-Grad Blues

So here goes a semi-forced blog post.

After my high school graduation on Monday I've been in and out of the post-grad blues slump phase. To think that I now have to abandon and leave my routinely life to set foot in the real world really grabbed me by the shoulders. I don't even feel old enough to be eighteen, let alone to leave school?
The serious yet not-so-serious atmosphere of my school will always linger in the back of my mind....
How do people do it? Just leaving things behind like it never mattered? I feel like I've poured out all possible running fluid in my body this past week, whether it may be crying at my own graduation or at others (like WTH).  Seeing other people at their emotional wreck has its counter-effects on me. I am some how attempting to consolidate my emotions of the past week into this one post, but honestly the experience was too overwhelming and chaotic that it cannot be described in words. I hope to swim back out of this slump soon because if I don't I'll be facing serious consequences (like a MYSTERY ATAR).

Meanwhile on a more happier and exciting note, I am trying to organise a (partially) surprise birthday but the bloody birthday boy will not cooperate (GET IT? HAHAHAHA). Hopefully it turns out okay...but it was through this experience that I learnt how hard organising one simple event can be. Kudos to all the organisers out there, my respect levels for you have risen by +1000!

Hmm...realistically I only have 20 days until the HSC. Twenty days to really make a difference. I'm not using my time effectively though. Someone really needs to get me going...

Anyway I'll be saying bye for now (but not forever~)
